Vibations is a brand of cannabis-infused drink mixes. These mixes are precision-dosed with full-spectrum cannabis extract, providing an array of terpenes and cannabinoids. For extra energy, each packet is also dosed with 30mg of natural, guarana-derived caffeine. Available in multiple flavors and packed with vitamins and electrolytes, Vibations is a refreshing way to enjoy cannabis when the weather gets warm.
From Vibations: Energize your body and mind with Vibations High + Energy drink mix, infused with natural caffeine from guarana and full-spectrum cannabis. Each mix is precision-dosed, made with all-natural ingredients and packed with vitamins and electrolytes for full high-dration in every sip.
A tip of the cap to ol’ Arnie. Our half and half is a perfect blend of sweet-tart lemon and refreshing iced tea, with natural caffeine and equal parts THC & CBD.